Onsted, MI 49265
United States of America
Good Local Honey
won first place in the Light Amber Class at
the 1996 Michigan Beekeepers Association Honey Show
Pure BeeswaxCandles
- wide variety of styles,
colors and sizes including fancy Christmas Candles, etc. (Plan ahead
as Beeswax gets brittle and breaks easily when cold - we do not ship
any beeswax products during cold weather) We also sell Pure
Beeswax Nativity Scenes, other Pure Beeswax Figurines, Pure Beeswax
ingots, etc.
HIP When in operation we sold Queens and Queen Cells
look at these photos taken by Gary Veale 28 Feb 2000 of his Kirk Webster style "mini" nucs overwintered in MI on two patio blocks unwrapped

In 1993 we founded the - a Cooperative Breeding Program which existed as a cooperative for eleven years. The goal of HIP was
to breed honeybees that can survive and thrive without any treatment
for the two parasitic mites (Varroa and Tracheal mites) that have killed/are killing so many of
our important pollinators, the honeybees. The remaining HIP stock is now under study by the USDA Baton Rouge, LA Honeybee Research Lab.
Learn more about the Honeybee Improvement Program at https://griffes.tripod.com/HIP1.html
and also see our slide show at https://griffes.tripod.com/HIPslideshow.htm
When we were in operation we were always on the lookout for good honey
producing beeyards with the following characteristics
in our local area - they must have truck
access 24 hrs/day - low pesticide hazard - abundant nectar and
pollen producing flora within a mile.
Thanks for your interest and support.
for more information look up articles in these magazines ---
American Bee Journal issues, March 1995, pgs. 182-183: March 1996,
pgs. 203-205: April 1996, pgs 251-252 ---- and Bee Culture,
August 1996, pgs. 494,492
Griffes family Index Page
Country Jack's Bee Links
Surf the WORLD of beekeeping
slide show about Honeybee Improvement Program
one way to actually do something to help the honeybees survive
1995 Honeybee Improvement Program protocol
lots of useful info on subjects like HYG testing and VKf testing
(book segment) Varroa Resistance by Alois Wallner
(part of English Translation - we do have the rest)
Treatment Timing Tips

: 23 Jan 2003
times since 26 Oct 1997.