Electric Clipper Training for Horses

How to teach your horse to calmly accept the electric clippers
while trimming its bridle path and pasture trimming its ears.


Jack Griffes
Certified Farrier - Colt Starting Trainer

(517) 7 Five Nine - 2 Nine 1 8
Lenawee County, Michigan
United States of America

Training horses always involves some risk of injury (or even death) to the horse, the trainer, any spectators, equipment used, etc. - this risk is totally your own as you will be making your own judgements on what to do. As with any suggestions on any subject you must weigh them out for yourself and proceed accordingly - at your own risk.

Often people have immense difficulty using electric clippers on one or more of their horses. What if you can actually reason with your horse and get it to willingly accept the clippers? Really - no fighting - no twitch - no sedation - just using an adaptation of the horse training principle called "pressure and release" to help them learn that the clippers will not eat them and the relax and cooperate response is the correct answer. Wouldn't that be better? I am including videos showing how I acclimated three different horses - each with a very different personality - to accept the electric clippers the very first time they ever had a pasture trim of their ears done.

Teaching Cinnamon, a 3yr old Gypsy Vanner/Shire cross filly to accept the clippers
so her bridle path can be cut and she can get a pasture trim done on both her ears - for the very first time in her life.
Session One

Session Two four days later with Cinnamon, a 3yr old Gypsy Vanner/Shire cross filly
judge for yourself if she learned, retained, and chose the "relax and cooperate" response in Session Two with the electric clippers
literally the second time she ever had electric clippers used on her in her entire life.
Session Two

Last part of Session One with Avi, my personal horse.
Sorry I failed to get the whole session recorded
I accidentally took a picture when I thought I was starting the video - oops.

Session One with Romeo the fox trotting Tennessee Walking Horse

Session Two with both Avi and Romeo

Jack Griffes
Certified Farrier - Colt Starting Trainer

All are invited to Come unto Christ

How to teach your horse to pick up its rider from a raised mounting platform

How to teach your horse to calmly accept the electric clippers while trimming its bridle path and pasture trimming its ears

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